S03E8: 100 Days (1991) - Top 10 Suspense/Thriller

100 Days is a Hindi film directed by Partho Ghosh. The film stars Jackie Shroff, Madhuri dixit, Laxmikant Berdeand Moon Moon Sen.The film is a mystery thriller that follows the events in the life of a woman with Extrasensory Perception (Source:Wikipedia) You can listen and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes / Stitcher / TuneIn or on YouTube. You can also listen to this episode right here on this player below.
Podcast Episode Summary:

  • We talk about different clothes pre-marriage and post-marriage as always shown in Hindi cinema
  • We talk about the whole concept of how wooing a girl in Indian cinema is done
  • We talk about ALL of Madhuri's stage performances in different movies she has done


Now this is a good movie for a remake - Tanvi

The fabric was that non-breathable polyester which was very '91 - Flo

Basically, a guy not hanging up is all it takes - Tanvi

We would REALLY love to know what you guys thought of the movie, if you have re-watched it in the last three years..I am wondering if it's just us that felt this way about the movie - Flo
